'Temp23'Index links to: Lead / Letter TEMPORARY FILE
This page is still being researched. It has NOT yet been launched formally into the Database but is shown here TEMPORARILY (albeit for an uncertain length of time pending further research), partly to record connections that we fear we might otherwise lose sight of and partly in the hope that one or more visitors to the site will contribute information that will enable us to develop our information on the families covered in this page to a standard that would support release of a dedicated page in the Database.
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This section first uploaded 16.08.06.
The following merely pulls together the cross-references elsewhere in the database to the family of Pringle of Torsonce. This is thought to be family that derived from the Hoppringles of that ilk. We hope to research this family more in due course.
Henry Hop Pringle or Hoppringle of Torsonce father of Elizabeth, possibly father of ...
1. ?? Hop Pringle or Hoppringle of Torsonce father of Elizabeth, possibly also of ...
  Uncertain on number of intervening generations.
A. ?? Hop Pringle or Hoppringle of Torsonce
  i. ?? Hop Pringle or Hoppringle of Torsonce possibly father of Elizabeth and of ...
  a. ?? Hop Pringle or Hoppringle of Torsonce father of Elizabeth, possibly father of ...
  (1) John Pringle of Torsonce father of Elizabeth, possibly father of ...
  (A) ?? Pringle of Torsonce
This may have been the George of Torsonce who married Katherine Pringle, dau of John Pringle, younger of Stichill. He was possibly father of ...
  (i) John Pringle of Torsonce
  (a) Margaret Pringle, heiress of Torsonce
  m. Gilbert Pringle of Torsonce (dsp) brother married in 1752
  (B) Elizabeth Pringle (d 11.1643)
  m. (before 26.05.1632) Sir Walter Murray of Livingstone (b after 04.06.1601, d 02.1659)
  (C) daughter possibly of this generation
  m. James Purves of Purveshaugh son married in 1679
  (2) Elizabeth Pringle
  m1. William Borthwick, 7th of Crookstown (d 1618)
  m2. George Pringle, 4th of Torwoodlee (d c1637)
  b. Elizabeth Hoppringle (b c1562??, d 11.1666) possibly fits here, dau of William Pringle of Edinburgh and/or Hop Pringle of Torsance --
  m. Laurence Scott of Clerkington --
  B. Agnes Hopringle
  m. Sir John Houstoun of Houstoun (d 1542)
2. Elizabeth Hoppringle
  m. William Spottiswood of that ilk (d Flodden 09.09.1513)



This section first uploaded 12.10.06, updated 10.03.15.
We have so far found little about this family. We start with notice that Jane was sister of Sir Henry. We note that we have references to both a William of Castle Jordan and a Sir Henry of Castle Jordan and that both Willliam and Sir Henry's daughters lived around roughly the same time. We note also that a reference has been seen to Sir Henry's son-in-law Richard Gifford as being of Castle Jordan. We therefore provisionally suspect that Richard's husband Mary was heiress of (a place in) Castle Jordan which suggests that her father (Sir Henry) was the last male heir which in turn suggests that Sir Henry may have been a younger brother of William. All this is very circumstantial and open to suggestions.
?? Duke
1. William Duke of Castle Jordan, co. Meath
  A. Thomasine Duke (bur 11.01.1600)
  m. Robert Cowley (d 03.07.1573)
2. Sir Henry Duke of Castle Jordan (d 12.02.1595)
  Kimber's 'Peerage of Ireland' (vol 1, 1768, 'Moore, Earl of Drogheda', p42) identifies Anne Moore as Sir Henry's first wife. Lodge (vol 1, 1754, 'Brabazon, Earl of Meath', p182) reports Sir Henry 's marriage to Elizabeth Brabazon, not mentioning Anne Moore, and reports that he "left only daughters", naming Anne & Mary and their husbands. A web site on the Giffords identifies the parents of Mary as Sir Henry & Anne Moore. Provisionally we show Sir Henry's family as follows.
  m1. Anne Moore (dau of John Moore by Margaret Brent)
  A. Anne Duke (d 06.07.1601) possibly of this marriage
  m. Sir Edward Loftus (d 10.05.1601, son of Adam, Archbishop of Dublin)
  B. Mary Duke possibly of this marriage
  m1. Richard Gifford of Ballymagarett (and Castle Jordan)
  m2. Sir Francis Ruish (d 1623)
  m3. Sir John Jephson of Froyle, later of Mallow Castle (d 16.05.1638)
  m2. Elizabeth Brabazon (dau of Sir William Brabazon, Lord Justice in Ireland, widow of John Giffard)
3. Jane Duke "sister of Sir Henry"
  m. John Crofton of Ballymurray (a 1584)



This section first uploaded 17.06.07.
Edmond Pye of Blythe, Nottinghamshire
1. Gamaliell Pye of Blythe
  A. Edmond Pye of London
  m. Martha Allen (sister of _ Allen, alderman of London)
  i. Sir Edmund Pye, Bart of Lekhamsted & Bradenham, Buckinghamshire (bur 28.04.1673)
  m. Catherine Lucas (b c1612, d 1701, dau of Thomas Lucas of Colchester by Elizabeth Leighton, sister of 1st Lord Shenfield)
  a. Martha (not Margery) Pye (b c1640, d c1704)
  m. (28.08.1662) John Lovelace, 3rd Lord of Hurley (b c1640, d 27.09.1693)
  b. Elizabeth Pye
  m. (26.12.1678) Charles West (dvp)



This section first uploaded 24.12.07.
Probably connected to the family that produced the Lords Holand was ...
Adam Holland or Hoyland or Holand of High Holland
m. Maude de Notton (dau of Gilbert de Notton of Notton)
1. Sir Robert de Holand of High Holland (a 1247)
  m. Joan or Idonea Byron (dau of Sir John Byron)
  A. Margaret de Holand
  m. Sir Robert de Denby (a temp King John who r. 1199-1216, son of Robert de Denby of Denby by Sibell, dau of Stephen, son of Walter Helperthorpe)
  i. Margaret de Denby, heiress
  m1. Sir Nicholas Metham
  m2. Sir Robert Baliol
  Visitation reports that their daughter, Idonea, was heiress of Denby and Nether Holland.
2. Cicely de Holand
  m. William de Denby
  A. Agnes de Denby
  m. Almaric de Burdet of Skelmanthorpe (a temp Henry III who r. 1216-1272)



This section first uploaded 10.11.24.
We start with 2 brothers whom we show as sons of ...
?? Larke
1. John Larke (d 07.03.1544, priest)
  Wikipedia reports that John, who was martyred for his faith, "was a notable personal friend of Thomas More, Lord High Chancellor of England". We presume that it was a consequence of that friendship that his nephew met Cardinal Wolsey.
2. Peter Larke of London and/or Thetford (innkeeper?)
  A. Thomas Larke (Dean of Bridgnorth, Canon, Chaplain to Cardinal Wolsey)
  B. Joan (Jane) Larke 'of Yarmouth, Norfolk' (b c1490, d 1532)
  p. Thomas Wolsey, Cardinal, Lord High Chancellor @@ just below
  Wikipedia reports "Following his rapid promotion, Larke became a source of embarrassment to Wolsey, who arranged for her marriage to" ...
  m1. (c1519) George Legh of Adlington (b 1497, d 1529/30)
  m2. (c1530/1) Sir George Paulet (brother of the 1st Marquis of Winchester)



This section first uploaded 10.11.24.
Robert Wolsey of Ipswich (a butcher?)
m. Joan Daundy
1. Thomas Wolsey, Cardinal & Primate of England, Archbishop of York, Lord High Chancellor of England (b c03.1473, d 29.11.1530)
  p. Joan Larke of Yarmouth, Norfolk @@ just above
  A. Thomas Wynter (b c1510, d 1542/c1546, Dean of Wells) had issue
  B. Dorothy Clancey (b 29.09.1512, nun)

Main source(s):
(1) For Pringle : cross-references in the database
(2) For Duke : cross-references in the database with input/support as reported above
(3) For Pye : Visitation (London, 1634, Pye), BEB1841 (Pye of Lekhampsted), TCB (vol ii, Pye of Leckhamsted)
(4) For Holand : Visitation (Foster 1875, Yorkshire, 1584/5, Burdett of Denby)
(5) For Larke : Wikipedia ("Joan Larke" and connected articles)
(6) For Larke : Wikipedia ("Thomas Wolsey")
[The section on Smyth has been moved to Smith11; that on Burdett to Burdett3, that on Eyre has been included within Eyre07.]
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