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Radbert, King of Gardarige (b c638) | |||||||||||||||
m. (c669) Aud (b c633, dau of Ivar 'Vidfame', King in Sweden) | |||||||||||||||
1. | Randver (b c670) | ||||||||||||||
A. | Sigurd 'Ring', King in Sweden (b c730, d 812) | ||||||||||||||
i. | Ragnar 'Lodbrok', King of Denmark (b c765, d 845) | ||||||||||||||
m. (c783) Aslaug (b c765, dau of Sigurd 'Fafnisbana' Sigmundsson) | |||||||||||||||
a. | Bjorn 'Ironside' | ||||||||||||||
(1) | Refill (b c796) | ||||||||||||||
(A) | Erik (b c814) | ||||||||||||||
(2) | Erik (b 798) | ||||||||||||||
(3) | Asleik (b c812, d 850) | ||||||||||||||
b. | Ivan 'the Boneless' (b c787, d 873) | ||||||||||||||
c. | Sigurd 'Snake eye' (b c786) | ||||||||||||||
m. (c799) Heluna/Bleja, Princess in England (b c784) | |||||||||||||||
(1) | Aslaug (b 800) | ||||||||||||||
m. Helgi 'the Bold' Fridleifsson (b c796) | |||||||||||||||
(A) | Sigurd 'Hjort' Helgisson | ||||||||||||||
m. Thorny Klacksdottir (dau of Klach Harold, King in Jutland) | |||||||||||||||
(i) | Guthorm | ||||||||||||||
(ii) | Ranghild | JRY | |||||||||||||
m. (c849) Halfdan 'the Black', King in Westfold (b c823, d 863) | JRY | ||||||||||||||
(2) | Thora (b c806) | EGHJRSWY | |||||||||||||
Various web sites show Thora as having married Helgi of Dublin, 'RoyalData' shows her as having married Ragnvald, Helgi's younger brother. We assume that she married one then the other. | |||||||||||||||
m1. (c819) Helgi Olafsson of Dublin (b c802) | JRY | ||||||||||||||
m2. Rognvald of Westfold/Agder (b c816, d 850) | EGHJRSWY | ||||||||||||||
(3) | Harde-Knud (b c814, d 850) | ||||||||||||||
(A) | Gorm 'the Old', King of Denmark (b c840, d c940) | ||||||||||||||
m. (c897) Thyra 'Danebold' of Jutland (b c844, d c935, dau of Harold of Jutland) | |||||||||||||||
(i) | Knut (d c940) | ||||||||||||||
(a) | Gold-Harald (d c970) | ||||||||||||||
(ii) | Harald 'Bluetooth', King of Denmark and Norway (b c910, d before 991) | ||||||||||||||
m1. Thora | |||||||||||||||
m2. Gunhilde | |||||||||||||||
m3. Gyrid Olafsdottir | |||||||||||||||
(a) | Hakon | ||||||||||||||
(b) | Sveyn I 'Forkbeard', King of Denmark, Norway and England (b 965, d 02.02.1014) | ||||||||||||||
m1. (c990, div 1000) Gunhilda of Poland (dau of Mieczislaw/Burislav 1, Duke of Poland) | |||||||||||||||
((1)) | Gytha | ||||||||||||||
m. (c996) Eric Hakonsson, Jarl of Ladir | |||||||||||||||
((A)) | Hakon, Earl of Worcester (d 1029) | ||||||||||||||
((2)) | Harald, King of Denmark (d 1018-9) | ||||||||||||||
((3)) | Canute 'the Great', King of England, Denmark and Norway (b c995, d 1035) | ||||||||||||||
m/p1. Aelfgiva (b c966, d c1044, dau of Aelfhelm, Earl of Northampton) | |||||||||||||||
((A)) | Sveyn, King of Norway (d 1036) | ||||||||||||||
((B)) | Harald I 'Harefoot', King of England (b c1016, d 1040/2) | ||||||||||||||
m/p2. (02.07.1017) Emma (b c982, d 21.02.1052, dau of Richard I, Duke of Normandy) | |||||||||||||||
((C)) | Hardicanute, King of Denmark and England (b 1018, d 08.06.1042) | ||||||||||||||
((D)) | Gunhild/Kunigunde (d 10.07.1038) | ||||||||||||||
m. (10.06.1036) Henry III, Emperor of Germany (d 1056) | |||||||||||||||
((E)) | daughter (d young) | ||||||||||||||
((4)) | Gunhilda (?) | ||||||||||||||
m. Wytgeorn, King of Wendland | |||||||||||||||
((5)) | Thyra (b c993, d 1018) | ||||||||||||||
m. (sp) Godwin, Earl of Wessex and Kent (b c987, d 15.04.1053) | |||||||||||||||
m2. (c996, div) Sigrid 'the Haughty' (d before 1013, dau of Skogul-Tosti) | |||||||||||||||
((6)) | Svantoslava | ||||||||||||||
((7)) | Estrid | EGHJRSWY | |||||||||||||
m1. (1017, div, sp) Richard II 'the Good', Duke of Normandy (b 996, d 28.08.1026) | |||||||||||||||
m2. (c1018) Ulf Thorkilsson, Jarl in Denmark (b c967, d 22.09.1027) | EGHJRSWY | ||||||||||||||
m3. (1031, div 1032) Robert 'the Devil', Duke of Normandy | |||||||||||||||
(c) | Gunhild (d 13.11.1002) | ||||||||||||||
m. Earl Palig (Ealdorman in Devon) | |||||||||||||||
(d) | Thyra (d 18.09.1000) | EGHJRSWY | |||||||||||||
m1. Styrbjorn Olafsson of Sweden (b c959, d 986) | EGHJRSWY | ||||||||||||||
m2. Mieczislaw/Burislav 1, Duke of Poland (b c922, d 25.05.992) | |||||||||||||||
m3. Olaf Tryggvason, King of Norway (b c963, d 09.09.1000) | |||||||||||||||
(B) | Gudrid (b c842) | ||||||||||||||
d. | Hvitserk (b c790) | ||||||||||||||
e. | Ragnvald (b c791) | ||||||||||||||
f. | Halfdan 'White shirt', King of Dublin (d 877) | ||||||||||||||
(1) | Sitric I, King of Dublin (b c860, d 896) | ||||||||||||||
(A) | Sitric II, King of Dublin and of York (d 927) | ||||||||||||||
m. (30.07.925) Edith of England (b 897, d 937, dau of Edward the Elder, King of England) | |||||||||||||||
(i) | Olaf 'Cuaran', King of Dublin and of York (d c981) | ||||||||||||||
m. Gormflath (d 1030, dau of Morough MacFinn, King of Leinster) | |||||||||||||||
(a) | Sihtric 'Silkbeard', King of Dublin (d 1042) | ||||||||||||||
m. Slani O'Brien (dau of Brian Boru, King of Ireland) | |||||||||||||||
((1)) | Olaf, King of Dublin (d 1034) | ||||||||||||||
m. Maelcorcre (dau of Dunlaig MacTuathal, King of Leinster) | |||||||||||||||
((A)) | Ragnhildir of Dublin (b c1031) | HJY | |||||||||||||
m. Cynan of Gwynedd | HJY | ||||||||||||||
(b) | Gluniarainn Jarnkne, King of Dublin | ||||||||||||||
(c)+ | other issue - Harald, Dubgall, Dubgilla, Godfraid, Ragnall | ||||||||||||||
(ii) | Harald, King of Limerick (d c940) - continued below | HJRY | |||||||||||||
(iii) | Gyda of Dublin | ||||||||||||||
m. (sp) Olaf, King of Norway (b c963, d 09.09.1000) | |||||||||||||||
g.+ | other issue - Ragnhildir, Alof, Ubbe | ||||||||||||||
ii. | daughter | ||||||||||||||
Reported in http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~jamesdow/s064/f145152.htm was the following connection ... | |||||||||||||||
iii. | Halfdan Sigurddson (b c750) | ||||||||||||||
a. | Ragnar Halfdansson of Uppsala | ||||||||||||||
m. Asberg Sigurdsdottir | |||||||||||||||
(1) | Ingvar Ragnarsson (d 873) | ||||||||||||||
(A) | Gomer Ingvarsson (b c844, d after 911) | ||||||||||||||
(i) | Roger de Monte Gomerii | ||||||||||||||
'A Genealogical History of The Family of Montgomery' starts with Roger de Montgomerie, Count of Montgomerie in 1912, and, although it does not name the wives, supports the following Montgomerie line except that the undermentioned Hugh (d 1034) is combined with Roger, father of the Roger who was the 1st Earl of Shrewsbury. | |||||||||||||||
(b) | Roger de Monte Gomerii or Gummeri | ||||||||||||||
m. _ de Hiemois | |||||||||||||||
((1)) | William de Montegomeri | ||||||||||||||
m. Elizabeth de Tripon | |||||||||||||||
((A)) | Hugh de Montegomeri (d 1034) | EGHJRSWY | |||||||||||||
m. Sibell (or Sainfrie) de Crepon | EGHJRSWY | ||||||||||||||
((2)) | Hugh de Montegomeri | ||||||||||||||
The following combines suggestions in 'Genealogy of Grahams' and 'The House of Hamilton'. | |||||||||||||||
((3)) | Bernard de Montegomeri | ||||||||||||||
m. (912) Sphreta of Burgundy | |||||||||||||||
((A)) | Torf or Turlufus | HJRY | |||||||||||||
m. (955) Emerberga de Brigenberg | HJRY | ||||||||||||||
2. | daughter | ||||||||||||||
Harald, King of Limerick (d c940) - continued above | |||||||||||||||
1. | Godfred I, King of the Isle of Man (d c989) | ||||||||||||||
A. | Ranald, King of the Isle of Man (d 1005) | ||||||||||||||
i. | Harald 'the Black' of Islay | ||||||||||||||
a. | Godfred II 'Crovan', King of the Isle of Man and of Dublin (d c1095) | ||||||||||||||
(1) | Olaf I 'Bitling' 'the Red', King of Man and the Isles (b c1080, d 29.06.1153, 3rd son) | ||||||||||||||
m1/2. Ingibiorg (dau of Hakon Paulson, Earl of Orkney) | |||||||||||||||
m2/1. Elfrica or Affrica (dau of Fergus of Galloway) | |||||||||||||||
Although Elfrica/Affrica is often shown as the mother of both Gudrod and Ragnhilda, some sources show Ragnhilda as daughter of Ingibiorg. We will investigate this further in due course. The following is largely supported by 'History of the Macleods' (Alexander Mackenzie, 1889, p3+). | |||||||||||||||
(A) | Gudrod (Godred), King of the Isle of Man (b c1124) | ||||||||||||||
(i) | Olaf (Olat) 'the Black', King of Man and the Isles (d 1237) | ||||||||||||||
m1. ?? ("a daughter of one of the leading families of Kintyre") | |||||||||||||||
(a) | Harold, King of Man | ||||||||||||||
(b) | Reginald, King of Man | ||||||||||||||
(c) | Magnus, King of Man (d 1265) | ||||||||||||||
m2. (sp) ?? | |||||||||||||||
m3. Cristina (dau of Ferquard, 1st Earl of Ross) | |||||||||||||||
(d)/(e) | Guin or Gun Olafson ancestor of Clan Gunn of Sutherland & Caithness | ||||||||||||||
(e)/(d) | Leod Olafson (b c1200, d c1280) | ||||||||||||||
m. _ MacRailt | |||||||||||||||
(f) | Leaundrish Olafson ancestor of Clan Leandruis or Gillanders | ||||||||||||||
(B) | Ragnhilda (b c1117) | HJRY | |||||||||||||
m. (1140) Somerled, King of the Northern Isles (b c1113, d Renfrew 1184) | HJRY | ||||||||||||||
partner(s) unknown | |||||||||||||||
(C)+ | 3 sons | ||||||||||||||
(2)+ | other issue - Lagman, Harold | ||||||||||||||
B. | Marion | -- | |||||||||||||
m. Paul MacDuibn, 'Paul the sporran' (a 1066, Treasurer) | -- | ||||||||||||||
Main source(s): various web sites including 'Royal Data'
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