'WZmisc01'Index links to: Lead / Letter
Families covered: Woodchurch of Woodchurch, Willets in Staffordshire, Washingley of Washingley, Wadland of Leicester, Wymondsold (Wymondsell) of Putney
[The original WZmisc01 (uploaded Early) was renamed Warren01 on 03.09.07.]

Aketill de Woodchurch of Woodchurch, Kent
1. Ralph Woodchurch of Woodchurch (a temp William Rufus who r. 1087-1100)
  A. Roger Woodchurch of Woodchurch
  m. Isabella Wakehurst (dau of Richard de Wakehurst of Wakehurst)
  i. Thomas Woodchurch of Woodchurch the first mentioned by BIFR1976
  m. Anna Harvy (dau of Sir Walter Harvy or Hervey, Lord Mayor of London in 1272-3)
  a. Sir Simon Woodchurch of Woodchurch (a temp Edward I who r. 1272-1307)
  m. Susanna Clerke (dau/heir of Henry le Clerke of Munfidde (Montforts or Mumford Hall, Kingsnorth))
  (1) Simon Woodchurch of Woodchurch
  m. Isabella Roxley (dau of Sir Robert Roxley or Rockesley of Horton Kirby)
  (A) Mary or Isabella Woodchurch
  m. Sir Adrian Fortescue
  (2) (Thomas) Clarke Woodchurch, later Clerke or Clarke
  m. Benedicta or Bennet Shurt (dau/coheir of Robert Shurt or Shert of Woodchurch)
  (A) Peter Clerke or Clarke alias Woodchurch
  m. Eleanor Rowling (dau of Peter Rowling)
  ii. Henry Woodchurch
  a. Isabella Woodchurch



William Willets of Dudley (d 1702)
m. Anna Colborne (dau of Humphry Colborne)
1. William Willets of Newcastle-under-line (sic), Staffordshire (b 09.04.1697, d 1779)
  m1. _ Latham (sister of Dr. Ebenezer Latham of Findern)
  m2. (c1754) Catherine Wedgwood (sister of Josiah Wedgwood of Etruria)
  A. ?? Wittets of Burton-upon-Trent (Staffordshire) (dsp)
  B. Mary Willets (d 03.10.1803)
  m. Peter Holland of Knutsford (surgeon)
  C. Ann Willets
  m. Swinton Colthurst Holland of London
  D. Jane Willets
  m. (sp) William Turner of Newcastle-upon-Tyne (b 1761, d 04.1859)



Walter de Washingley in Huntingdonshire (a 1166) apparently succeeded by ...
1. Richard de Washingley of Washingley (a 1201) apparently succeeded by ...
  A. Robert de Washingley of Washingley (a 1225) succeeded by ...
  i. Walter de Washingley of Washingley (a 1242)
  a. Ralph de Washingley of Washingley (d 1288)
  (1) Robert de Washingley of Washingley (b 1273-4, d 1310)
  (A) Robert de Washingley of Washingley (b c1299, d 12.1348)
  m1. Amy (a 1324)
  m2. Margaret (d 1354)
  Not clear which wife was mother of ...
  (i) Robert de Washingley of Washingley (b c1339, d 1392)
  m. Joan
(a) Margaret de Washingley (a 1429)
  m1. Sir John Pekebridge or Pokebridge
  ((1)) John Pekebridge or Pokebridge (dvm)
  m2. John Drew
  ((2)) Richard Drew (d 1429)
  ((A)) Robert Drew of Washingley (b c1424, d 1446)
  ((B)) John Drew of Washingley (b c1429, d 1458)
  ((i)) John Drew of Washingley (dsp 1471)
  ((ii)) Elizabeth Drew (b c1437)
  m1. John Otter 'of Walthamstow'
  ((a)) Joan Otter
  m. Robert ap Rhese of Washingley
  m2. John Clerke
  (b)+ other issue (dvpsp) - Richard, Robert
2. John de Washingley



George Wadland of Leicester
1. Thomas Wadland of Leicester
  A.+ issue including Thomas, John
2. John Wadland of Leicester
  m1. _ Villers of Scraptoft
  m2. Anne Ireland (dau of William Ireland of Sutton)
  A. John Wadland of Medbourne (b c1654, a 1683)
  m. Susan Roberts (dau of Richard Roberts of Thorpe Langton)
  i.+ issue (a 1683) - John (b c1681), Susan (b c1682)
  B. Anne Wadland
  m. John Roberts of Medbourne



This section was first launched 29.11.11 as a section of a Temporary page. It was moved here after review led to acceptance that there was little chance of our making a significant improvement to it in the near future and that it was 'good enough' to be promoted into the main database.
John Wymondesold or Wymondsold
m. _ Hall of Grantham
1. Edward Wymondesold or Wymondsold
  m. Anne Billingsley (dau of John Billingsley of Leicestershire)
  A. Edmund Wymondesold or Wymondsold of Southwell, Nottinghamshire who appears to have married ...
m. Joan Leeke (dau of William Leeke of Hallom)
  B. William Wymondesold or Wymondsold of Putney, Surrey (a 1662)
  m1. Magdalen Allington (dau/heir of John Allington)
  i. Elkin Wymondsold 'of Southwell' (d by 1662)
  m. Jane Dawes (dau of Sir Abraham Dawes)
a. Sir Dawes Wymondsold or Wymondsell of Putney
  Visitation ends showing (Sir) Dawes's marriage to Jane Cooke and their daughter Jane. However, it appears that they also had a son whose name appears to have been Sir Robert but who is sometimes referred to as Sir Dawes, thereby leading to additional confusion as to the generation of the daughter Jane. For example, Le Neve, in his 'Pedigrees of the Knights' (edited by George Marshall, 1873) shows Sir Dawes (father of Jane by an unnamed 1st wife) as son of an earlier Sir Dawes and (the son) as m2. Elizabeth Gold. However, TCP (vol 4, 'Clarges') identifies the daughter Jane as Sir Dawes's only daughter by his 1st wife ...
m1. Jane Cooke (d 20.06.1718, dau of Sir Robert Cooke of Hynham by Jane)
  (1) Sir Robert Wymondsell of Putney (b 1658-9, d 28.07.1687)
  BEB1841 ('Clarges of St. Martin's in the Fields') identifies Elizabeth Gould's 1st husband as Sir Dawes but TCP (vol 4, 'Clarges'), which notes that some sources do name him Sir Dawes, confirms that he was Sir Robert.
  m. (10.1684) Elizabeth Gould (dau of Sir Thomas Gould of London, m2. Sir Walter Clarges)
  (2) Jane Wymondsell
  m. Sir Walter Clarges, Bart (m2. Jane Herbert, m3. Elizabeth Goiuld)
  m2. ??
  b. Judith Wymondsell probably of this generation
  m. (1652) William Dowdeswell of Pull & Bushley (d 1683)
  m2. (sp) Jane Coleman of Suffolk

Main source(s):
(1) For Woodchurch (uploaded 02.12.08) : Visitation (Warwickshire, 1619, Clark), Wotton's 'The Baronetage of England' (vol I, as extended by Kimber & Johnson, 1771, 'Clarke of Salford') with some support from BIFR1976 (Clarke (co Cork))
(2) For Willets (uploaded 02.03.09) : FMG (vol I, Turner-Willets)
(3) For Washingley(originally uploaded 13.01.12 to a Temporary page, moved here 15.05.22) : VCH (Huntingdonshire, vol 3, 'Parishes: Washingley')
(4) For Wadland (uploaded 05.04.23) : 'History and Antiquities of the County of Leicester' (John NichoÏs, vol 2, part 2, 1798, 'Pedigree of Wadland of Medbourne', p719)
(5) For Wymondsold or Wymondsell (uploaded 05.04.23) : Visitation (Surrey, 1662-8, 'Wymondesold')
[The section on Webster (baronets) has been moved to Webster01; that on Wittewrong to Wittewrong1; that on Warrington to Warrington1.]
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