'HZmisc10'Index links to: Lead / Letter
Families covered: Haversham of Haversham, Hodington of Somerey, Halsted of Dane Bank, Halsted of Lymme, Hill of Hartley Wintney, Hayhurst of Liverpool, France of Bostock Hall

Benedict de Haversham (of Haversham, Buckinghamshire) (a 1207)
m. Basilia de Morn (dau of Ralph de Morn)
1. Hugh de Haversham
  A. Nicholas de Haversham (a 1222, d by 1255)
  m. Emma Bois (dau of William (sb John?) de Bosco, sister/heir of Arnald)
  i. Nicholas de Haversham (d 1273-4)
  m. Joane
  a. Maud de Haversham
  m1. Sir James de la Plaunche (d 1306)
  m2. Sir John de Olney (d 1325) @@ see here @@
  Lipscomb shows a son by this marriage, John (dsp). The Olney records show that that Sir John had, by a Matilda (Maud), a son John who had issue.



Richard Hodington
m. Lucy Cromeleyne (dau/heir of Sir Richard Cromeleyne)
The Harleian editors who reported the following pedigree (from MS. 1041, fo. 49) showed Lucy's mother as Margaret, relict of Ralph Basset, dau of Roger, Lord Someraye de Barrowe by Nicholas, dau/(co)heir of William de Albini, Earl of Arundell. We show that Margaret as married to Ralph Cromwell.
1. Baldwin Hodington
  m. Johanna Knoville (dau/heir of Sir John Knoville by Johanna, dau of Sir Roger Laronis)
  A. John Hodington
  m. Margaret Golofre (dau/heir of John Golofre by Alice, dau of Nicholas Audley of Heleigh)
  i. Walter Hodington of Somerey, Worcestershire
  m. Jane Cassy (dau/coheir of Thomas (son of John) Cassy or Cassey of Adesbury by Elizabeth, dau of Sir Walter Cokesay)
  a. Thomas Hodington of Somerey
  m. Jane Throgryme (dau/heir of Henry Throgryme)
  (1) Johanna Hodington
  m. Roger Winter
  (2) Agnes Hodington
  m. William Russell



John Halstead of Wigan (d 1683)
m. Elinor Domville (bpt 29.04.1647, d 11.1684, dau of William Domville of Lymme)
1. William Halsted of Lymme ( bur 25.09.1727, 2nd son)
  m. (24.12.1718) Felicia Martin (bur 24.10.1776, dau of William Martin of Dane Bank)
  A. Domville Halsted of Dane Bank (bpt 07.01.1723, bur 31.12.1781)
  m. Elizabeth Chesshyre (bur 03.01.1795, dau of John Chesshyre of Warrington)
  i. Domville Halsted, later Poole, of Dane Park (b 21.07.1761, bur 01.05.1795)
  m. (20.01.1783) Sarah Massey (dau/coheir of James Massey of Manchester & Rostborne)
  a.+ issue - Domville Cudworth (b 13.10.1787), James (bur 27.08.1788), John (b 23.10.1790), William (b 12.12.1792), Sarah (b 26.12.1784, d young), Elizabeth (b 28.06.1786, bur 07.08.1787), Maria (b 13.08.1789), Elizabeth (bur 16.11.1791)
  ii. Peter Halsted (b 28.10.1763, d 17.12.1808, rector of Groppenhall)
  m. (29.10.1801) Elizabeth Matilda Leigh (natural dau of John Legh of Booths, m2. _ Marsh of West Leigh)
  iii. Elizabeth Halsted (b 11.06.1766, bur 10.01.1770)
  B. Eleanor Halsted (bpt 01.02.1726)
  m. Edward Byrom of Manchester
2.+ other issue (a 1684) - John (dsp), Edward, Jane



The Harleian editor shows a coat of arms for this family which, as far as we have so far checked, is very different from those of other Hill families. 'The General Armory' describes those arms as 'Gu. a saltire vair betw. four mullets ar.'
Richard Hill 'of Hartley Wintney, Hampshire' ("Sergeant of the seller to H. 8" (who r. 1509-1547) (manager of the wine cellar))
m. Elizabeth Isley (dau of Thomas Isley of Tunbridge, m1/2. Sir John Masonn (Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster))
1. Henry Hill (dsp)
2. Margaret Hill
  m. Francis Spilman
3. Frances Hill
  m. Robert Bing of Kent (d 1595)
4. Anne Hill
m1. (John) Bellingham (d 1576)
  m2. _ Lewknor @@ Thomas? see here @@
5. Dorothy Hill (bur 04.06.1600)
  m1. (Walter) Welsh or Walshe (d 02.1561)
  m2. Richard Shelley (d 1594)
6. Mary Hill (d 1616)
  m1. Sir John Cheeke
  TCP (vol XII/1, 'Stanhope of Harrington', p241) reports that Mary also married ...
  m2. Henry Mackwilliams of Sambourne (d 1586)



James Hayhurst of Liverpool
1. Richard Hayhurst of Liverpool (b 1715, d 1761)
  m. (1750) Ellen France (dau of James France of Everton)
  A. Henry Hayhurst (b 1754, d young)
  B. Thomas Hayhurst, later France of Bostock Hall, Cheshire (b 1762, d 1816)
  BLG1886 reports that "upon inheriting the fortune of his maternal uncle, James France, Esq. of Everton, co. Lancaster, who d. 1795, assumed, in compliance with his will, in 1796, the name and arms of France".
  m. (1787) Elizabeth Cropper (d 1814, dau of Thomas Cropper of Everton)
  i. James France Hayhurst, later France of Bostock Hall, Sheriff of Cheshire (b 02.02.1792, d unm 1869)
  ii. Thomas France of Bostock Hall (b 1803, d 05.11.1889, canon of Chester, rector of Davenham) had issue
  m1. (1831) Helen Harper (d 1834, dau of John Hosken Harper of Davenham Hall)
  m2. (1836) Helen Formby (d 1857, dau of John Formby of Formby Hall)
  iii. Henry France of Ystym-Colwn House,Mmontgomeryshire (b 1806, d 1875) had issue
  m. (1846) Emily Hosken (d 1893, dau of Richard Hosken of Carines & Ellenglaze)
  iv. Sarah Hayhurst or France
  m. (1822) William Wallace Currie of Ellerslie (son of James Currie)
  v. Elizabeth Hayhurst or France (d 1873)
  m. (1815) Stanley O'Percival of Bridgefoot House
vi. Francis Hayhurst or France
  m. (1820) Myles Sandys of Graythwaite House (dsp 1853)
  vii. Harriet Hayhurst or France
  m1. (1822) George Littledale of Sandown
  m2. Charles Swainson (rector of Crick)
  viii. Caroline Hayhurst or France
  m. (1821) John Hamilton (son of Charles of Hamwood)
  ix.+ other issue - Ellen (d 1876), Marianne (d 1860), Lucy (d unm 1807)
  C. Elizabeth Hayhurst
  m. Samuel Poole of Wavertree
  D. Alice Hayhurst
  m. (1788) Abraham Crompton (not Compton) of Chorley Hall

Main source(s):
(1) For Haversham (uploaded 23.10.15) : Lipscomb (Bucks, vol 4, 'Pedigree of Haversham', p187)
(2) For Hodington (uploaded 23.10.15, originally uploaded to a Temporary page on 13.04.08) : Visitation (Gloucestershire, 1623, 'Wynter' (within Miscellaneous Pedigrees))
(3) For Halsted (uploaded 23.10.15, originally uploaded to a Temporary page on 23.03.11) : Ormerod (Cheshire, vol 1, 'Domville of Lymme')
(4) For Hill (uploaded 04.11.15) : Visitation (Hampshire, 1530+1575, 'Hill')
(5) For Hayhurst (uploaded 19.09.23) : BLG1886/BLG1937 ('France-Hayhurst of Bostock Hall')
[The section on Hackluit (Hacklute) has been moved to Hackluit1]
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