'Glascock3'Index links to: Lead / Letter
Families covered: Glascock in Essex, Glascock in Ireland, Glascock of London
The following family is almost certainly a branch of the family shown on Glascock1 and connected to that shown on Glascock2. | |||||||||||||||
William Glascock of Much Donmow, Essex | |||||||||||||||
m. Anne (or Philip(pa)) Wiseman (dau of John Wiseman of Canfield) | |||||||||||||||
1. | Richard Glascock of Down Hall, Hatfield, Essex | ||||||||||||||
m. Elizabeth Bourne (dau of William Bourne of Bobbingworth) | |||||||||||||||
A. | Richard Glascock of Down Hall | ||||||||||||||
m. Elizabeth Bowles (dau of Thomas Bowles of Wallington) | |||||||||||||||
i. | Elizabeth Glascock | ||||||||||||||
B. | Robert Glascock in Queen's Co., Ireland (d before 14.11.1665) | ||||||||||||||
Metcalfe ('Glascock #3') starts with this Robert and identifies the arms of his branch as Ermine, a chevron between three cocks azure, armed, crested, and jelloped or". | |||||||||||||||
m. Helen or Elenor Dempsey of Ballycony | |||||||||||||||
i. | Roger Glascock of Dublin (d before 29.08.1663) | ||||||||||||||
m. Ann (a 1663) | |||||||||||||||
a. | Francis Glascock of Duary, Queen's Co. (a 1665) | ||||||||||||||
(1) | Francis Glascock of Kilbride, co. Kildare (d before 16.11.1745) | ||||||||||||||
m1. (c1709) Katherine Segrave (dsp 1713, dau of Francis Segrave of Cobra) | |||||||||||||||
m2. Mary White (dau of James White of Pilchsfordstown) | |||||||||||||||
(A) | James Glascock 'of Music Hall' of Kilbride, Grangemore & Dublin (d before 06.06.1800) | ||||||||||||||
m. Katherine Jones (dau of Roger Jones of Dollardstown) | |||||||||||||||
(i) | Eleanor (Ellen Katherine) Glascock (d 20.09.1839) | ||||||||||||||
m. (c10.1782/06.1787) Morley Pendred alias Saunders of Saunders' Grove | |||||||||||||||
(ii)+ | other issue - Francis (dvp unm), Lettice (d young) | ||||||||||||||
(B) | Walter Glascock (d 15.01.1755, clerk in Chancery) | ||||||||||||||
m. Jane Aldridge (d before 16.03.1779, dau of William Aldridge, Lord Mayor of Dublin) | |||||||||||||||
(i) | William Glascock of London (d before 10.07.1798, remembrancer) | ||||||||||||||
m. (c06.1775) Letitia Scriven (a 1798, dau of Edward Scriven) | |||||||||||||||
(a) | Walter Glascock (d 14.08.1852) had issue | ||||||||||||||
m. (1806) Margaret Webb(dau of Thomas Webb of Robuck) | |||||||||||||||
(b) | Edward Glascock had issue | ||||||||||||||
m. Jane Baker (dau of Joseph Baker of Lisboyhane) | |||||||||||||||
(c) | Letttice Glascock (d 18687) | ||||||||||||||
m. (d08.1804) Mathew Black | |||||||||||||||
(d) | Eleanor Glascock | ||||||||||||||
m. George Cumlins | |||||||||||||||
(e) | Hannah Glascock | ||||||||||||||
m. James Biggs | |||||||||||||||
(f)+ | other issue - William Nugent (Captain RN, had issue (2 daus)), Talbot of Dublin | ||||||||||||||
(ii) | Francis Glascock (dsp before 15.03.1799) | ||||||||||||||
(iii) | Mary Glascock | ||||||||||||||
m. (c08.1776) Chamberlain Walker (Rector of Rossconnell|) | |||||||||||||||
(C) | Katherine Glascock (a 1745) | ||||||||||||||
m. Peter Dalton | |||||||||||||||
(D)+ | other issue (a 1745) - Christopher (d 07.1758), Henry, , Thomas, Francis. Nicholas, John, Jane (d 21.10.1760) | ||||||||||||||
(2) | Eleanor Glascock | ||||||||||||||
m. James Macnamara of Castletown | |||||||||||||||
b. | John Glascock (a 1683) | ||||||||||||||
m. Mary Maddisoin (dau of John Maddison of Annis) | |||||||||||||||
c.+ | other issue - Marcus of Wolf's Hill (a 1700, "had a wife and large family"), Thomas | ||||||||||||||
ii. | Charles Glascock of Athy (co. Kildare) & Duary (a 05.1665) | ||||||||||||||
m. Margery | |||||||||||||||
a. | Eleanor Glascock | ||||||||||||||
m. William Arnold | |||||||||||||||
iii.+ | other issue - Edward, Elizabeth | ||||||||||||||
C. | Margaret Glascock | ||||||||||||||
m. Edward Waller of Ashwell | |||||||||||||||
D.+ | other issue - Philip (dsp), Mar, Susan, Priscilla, Thomasin, Anne | ||||||||||||||
2. | Philip Glascock of Hatfield | ||||||||||||||
The following is supported by Visitation (London, 1634, 'Glascock'). | |||||||||||||||
m. Anne (Agnes) Jenour (dau of Andrew (not Kenelm) Jenour of Dunmow, sister of Sir Kenelm of Bigotes, Bart) | |||||||||||||||
A. | Andrew Glascock of London (a 1633, haberdasher, 3rd son?) | ||||||||||||||
m. Cecily Segwick (dau of Simon Segwick of London) | |||||||||||||||
B. | Gressogan Glascock | ||||||||||||||
m. Francis Columbell | |||||||||||||||
C. | Jane Glascock | ||||||||||||||
m. Anthony Scasbrooke of London | |||||||||||||||
D. | Mather Glascock | ||||||||||||||
m. Richard Davys of London | |||||||||||||||
E.+ | other issue - Francis, John (d young?), Henry | ||||||||||||||
3. | Andrew Glascock of Eltham Park (Kent) & Barking (dsp) | ||||||||||||||
m. Margart Weston (dau of Judge Richard Weston of Skreenes (in Roxwell), widow of John Loveday) | |||||||||||||||
4. | Mary Glascock | ||||||||||||||
m. Sir Andrew Pascall | |||||||||||||||
5.+ | other issue (dsp) - George, Charles | ||||||||||||||
Main source(s): Visitation (Metcalfe (1878), Essex, 1552+1558+1570+1612+1634+additions, 'Miscellaneous Essex Pedigrees', 'Glascock #2 & #3')
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