'Alington2'Index links to: Lead / Letter
Families covered: Alington of Horseheath, Alington of Killard, Alington (Allington) of Westley, Alington of Wymondeley

Much of this page was originally included within Alington1. It was moved here to facilitate review & expansion using Crisp.
Sir Giles Alington of Horseheathy, Sheriff of Cambridgeshire & Huntingdonshire (b c1500, d 22.08.1586, MP)
m1. (c1515) Ursula Drury (d 1522, dau of Sir Robert Drury of Hawstead by Anne Calthorpe)
1. Robert Alington of Horseheath (dvp 22.05.1552)
m. Margaret Coningsby (b 1519-20, d 16.05.1598, dau of William Coninsgby of King's Lynn (judge), widow of Thomas Pledgard or Pledger of Bottisham)
  A. Giles Alington of Horseheath (d 25.11.1573, 2nd/3rd son)
  m. (before 20.01.1570/1) Margaret Spencer (bur 04.04.1626, dau of Sir John Spencer of Althorpe (by Katherine Kitson), m2. Edward Elrington)
  i. Sir Giles Alington of Horseheath, Sheriff of Cambridgeshire & Huntingdonshire (b 1572, d 1638)
Visitation (Cambridgeshire) ends with Sir Giles, showing him married to Dorothy Cecil with 3 children, the eldest named James. TCP ('Alington') reports that the following William was 4th son & 9th child, but only surviving son, of Sir Giles's first marriage. Crisp supports the following.
  m1. Dorothy Cecil (bpt 11.08.1577, d 10.11.1613, dau of Thomas Cecil, 1st Earl of Exeter, by Dorothy Nevil)
  a. William Alington of Horseheath, 1st Lord Alington of Killard (bpt 14.03.1610, bur 25.10.1648, youngest son)
  m. (before 01.10.1631) Elizabeth Tollemache (bur 14.04.1671, dau of Sir Lionel Tollemache, Bart of Helmingham, by Elizabeth Stanhope)
(1) Giles Alington, 2nd Lord of Killard (bur unm 20.03.1659/60, 2nd son)
  (2) William Alington, 3rd Lord of Killard, 1st Lord Alington of Wymondeley (b c1634, d 01.02.1684, Major General)
  m1. Catherine Stanhope (dsp 19.11.1662, dau of Henry, Lord Stanhope (son of Philip, 1st Earl of Chesterfield) by Catherine Wotton)
  m2. (30.07.1664) Juliana (Joanna) Noel (bpt 04.02.1646, d 14.09.1667, dau of Baptist Noel, 3rd Viscount Campden, by Hester Wotton)
(A) William Alington (b c21.08.1667, d 03.09.1667)
  (B) Juliana Alington (bpt 30.10.1665, d 10.09.1747)
  m. (07.1698) Scrope Howe of Langar, 1st Viscount Howe (b 11.1648, d 26.01.1712/3, m1. Anne (Manners))
  m3. (15.07.1675) Diana Russell (d 13.12.1701, dau of William Russell, 1st Duke of Bedford, by Anne (Carr))
  (C) Giles Alington, 2nd Lord of Wymondeley, 4th Lord of Killard (b 04.10.1680, d unm 18.09.1691, 2nd son)
  (D) Diana Alington (b 1678-9, d 17.06.1705)
  m. (18.06.1700) Sir George Warburton of Warburton & Arley, 3rd Bart (bpt 01.06.1675, d 29.06.1743)
  (E) Catherine Alington (b 27.09.1677, d 13.04.1724)
m. (28.08.1694) Sir Nathaniel Napier, Bart of More Crichel (b c1669, d 24.02.1728)
  Their daughter Diana eventually became sole heiress of the Alingtons (and the Napiers) and was ancestress of the later Lords Alington (of a new creation).
  (F)+ other issue (d infant) - Hildebrand (b 28.01.1681/2, bur 25.03.1681/2), Argentine (bur 20.02.1683/4)
  (3) Hildebrand Alington, 5th Lord of Killard (bpt 03.08.1641, d unm 11.02.1722/3)
  (4) Elizabeth Alington (bpt 16.09.1635, bur 30.10.1691)
  m1. (1654) Charles Seymour, 2nd Lord of Trowbridge (b 1621, d 07.08.1665)
  m2. (c09.1672) Sir John Erne(ley) of Whetham, Chancellor of the Exchequer (d 1697, m1. Susan, dau of Sir John Grubham Howe)
  (5) Catherine Alington (bpt 28.05.1640, d 11.05.1675)
m.(26.047.1664) Sir John Jacob of Woodbury in Gamlinghay, Bart (d before 02.06.1674)
  (6)+ other issue - Lionel (bpt 26.02.1636/7, d infant?), Argentine (bpt 12.08.1646, d before 28.09.1670, captain), Dorothy (bpt 24.05.1638, d infant), Diana (d unm bur 24.03.1666/7)
  b. Elizabeth Alington
  m1. (21.02.1614/5) Sir Henry Palavicini of Babraham (d 14.10.1615)
  m2. (30.10.1617) Sir William Clopton of Kentwell Hall (b 27.02.1592/3, d 11.03.1618/9)
  m3. Sir John Tracy
c. Dorothy Alington (bpt 09.01.1603/4)
  m1. (29.03.1623) Sir Thomas Leventhorpe, 2nd Bart of Shingey Hall (bpt 18.05.1592, d 30.04.1636)
  m2. _ Holford of Cheshire
  d. Susan Alington (bpt 30.09.1605, bur 14.09.1681)
  m1. Sir Robert Crane, Bart of Chilton (b c1588, d 17.02.1642-3, m1. Dorothy Hobart)
  m2. Isaac Appleton of Little Waldringfield
  e. Anne Alington (bpt 13.04.1607, bur 19.07.1628)
  m. Thomas Fanshawe, 1st Viscount Fanshawe (b before 23.03.1600/1, d 26.03.1665)
  f. Katharine Alington (bpt 05.12.1608, d c09.1700)
  m. Zouch Tate of Delapre Abbey (b 1606, bur 07.01.1650/1, son of Sir William by Eleanor Zouich)
  g. Mary Alington (bpt 19.10.1612, bur 27.08.1674)
  m. Sir Thomas Hatton, 1st Bart of Long Stanton (b c1584, d 23.09.1659)
  h.+ other issue - Thomas (b 24.12.1599, d infant), Giles (bpt 14.07.1601, bur 17.021613/4), James (bpt 06.09.1602, a 1626, dvp)
m2. (02.12.1630) Dorothy Dalton (b c1606, d before 24.09.1638, dau of Michael Dalton (by Mary, dau of Edward Elrington by Margaret Spencer), m1. ??)
  k. John Aliington alias Dalton of West Wratting (bur 26.08.1647)
  ii.+ other issue - John (bpt 13.08.1573, d infant), Margaret (bpt 09.10.1571, a 1584, d unm)
  B . Alice Alington
  m1. (after 15.05.1552) William Sewster or Brewster of Steeple Morden (d 30.08.1568)
  m2. Edward Talcarne (d before 28.11.1597, Talkerne or Talkhorne) of Stoke-by-Clare (son of John)
  C. Ann Alington (a 1552)
  m. Arthur Breame of East Ham
  D. Elizabeth Alington (d before 01.02.1618/9)
  m. (before 26.02.1579/80) Thomas Soame or Some of (Little) Bradley (d before 0.11.1606)
  E. Frances Alington (a 1552)
  m. John Coke or Cooke of Rochford
  F. Beatrice Alington
m. (before 26.02.1579/80) John Killingworth of Pampisford (b 1546-7, d 23.05.1617)
  The above daughters are shown twice by Visitation (Cambridgeshire), once as sisters of Giles and again as his daughters. A contributor (GLF, 13.06.08) kindly confirmed that the former is correct. That is supported by Crisp.
  G.+ other issue - William (d infant), John (a 1552, dsp?), James of Bottisham & Mildenhall (d 07.09.1626), George (bur 07.10.1584), Margaret
2. daughter mentioned by Visitation (Cambridgeshire) but not by Crisp
m. John Spenser of Althrop
m2. Alice Middleton (bur 20.09.1563, dau/heir of John Middleton (of London), by Alice (who m2. Thomas More, Lord Chancellor), sister of Thomas, widow of Thomas Elrington) ## see here ##
3. Thomas Alington (d before 25.11.1553)
4. Richard Alington of Horshed & London (d 23.11.1561)
  m. (1556) Jane Cordell (d 04.01.1603/4, dau of John Cordell (Cordall) of Long Melford (by Emma Webb), sister of Sir William (Master of the Rolls))
  A. Mary Alington (b 05.02.1556/7, d before 16.05.1636)
  m. Sir John Savage of Rock Savage, 1st Bart (bur 14.07.1615)
  B. Anne Alington of London (b 26.02.1558/9, d unm before 18.11.1594)
  C. Cordell or Cordelia Alington (b 04.07.1562, d before 15.07.1602)
  m. Sir John Stanhope of Shelford & Elvaston (b c1560, d before 04.05.1611, m2. Catharine Trentham)
5. William Alington (Allington) of Westley, Cambridgeshire (bur 11.07.1615, of Gray's Inn)
  m. (02.01.1570/1) Mary Wolrich (dau of William Wolrich)
  Crisp identifies William & Mary as ancestors of Alington of Burbage but does not follow this line.The following is supported by 'History and Antiquities of the County of Leicester' (John Nichols, vol 4, part 2, 1811, 'Pedigree of Allington of Burbach', p468).
  A. Giles Alington (Allington) of Westley (a 1619)
  m. Ann Turner (dau of Robert Turner of Wratting)
  i. Adrian Allington of Burbach (b c1605, d c1660)
  m. Jane Green
  a. Anne Allington
  m. Gilbert Fitch of Wolvey
  b. Elizabeth Allington
  m. Richard Poole of Magginton (clothier)
  c. Jane Allington
  m. Fisher Holyock of Southam
  d. Susanna Allington
  m. Robert Hopper of Walton
  e.+ other issue (a 1682) - Richard of Burbach, Giles of Southam
ii.+ other issue - Giles, Henry, Anne
6. Philip Alington of Brent Pelham, Hertfordshire (b c1540, d 05.01.1594/5)
  m. (005.06.1585) Susan Allen (a 02.1594/5, dau of Thomas Allen of London, m1. Thomas Andrews of Bury St. Edmunds)
  A. Christopher Alington of Berdon
  m. _ Colby
  B. Thomasine Alington
  m. Sir Thomas Powell
  C.+ other issue - Walter of London, Giles, Elizabeth, Anne
7. Joan Alington (d 04.01.1600/1)
  m1. (c01.1553/4) Thomas Browne of Flamberds, Cold Norton (d 02.05.1567)
  m2. Henry Mildmay of Great Leighs
8. Elizabeth Alington (d before 26.02.1579/80)
  m. Robert Chapman
9.+ other issue - Anne, Frances, Margaret
m3. (c06.1564) Margaret Tallakerne (d before 30.09.1592, dau of John Tallakerne (Talcarne, Talcorne, Talkerne or Talcoas), widow of Thomas Argall)

Main source(s): Visitation (Frederick Arthur Crisp, England & Wales, Notes, vol 7 (1907), 'Pedigree of Alington', p16+), Visitation (Cambridgeshire, 1575+1619, 'Allington'), BE1883 ('Alington of Wymondley'), Lipscomb (Bucks, vol 1, 'Pedigree of Argentein', p14) with some input/support from TCP ('Alington'), BP1934 ('Alington') and just a brief look at 'Sturt Wives' by Patricia Sheriff (Volume II of 'The Sturt History', Chapters 9-12, privately printed in 1999, ISBN 0-9577952-0-3)
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