'Hamilton25'Index links to: Lead / Letter
Families covered: Hamilton of Cambuskeith, Hamilton of Grange (of Kilmarnock), Hamilton of Ladieton
[Part of the top section of this page originally formed the lower section of Hamilton06. It was moved here to facilitate expansion.]

David Hamilton, 1st of Cambuskeith (d by 1436)
1. James Hamilton, 2nd of Cambuskeith (a 1436)
  m. Marjory (or Mary) Hamilton (dau of Sir James Hamilton of Preston & Fingalton)
  A. John Hamilton, 3rd of Cambuskeith (a 1479)
  m. Marion Maxwell (d c1489, dau of Sir John Maxwell of Calderwood)
  'HamiltonHistory' simply follows Anderson for the first few generations but appears to follow its own research from the following Alexander.
  i. Alexander Hamilton, 4th of Cambuskeith (d Flodden 1513?)
  m. Marion Cunninghame (dau of Sir Adam Cunninghame of Caprington by Isabel Crawfurd)
There is quite a bit of contradiction/confusion between/within our sources at this point. Anderson first (pp254-5) shows Alexander & Marion as parents of John & William (see 2nd son below) with John (m1. Janet Stewart, m2. Joneta Montgomery) father of William + Arthur & Elizabeth with William being father (by Christian Farquhar of Gilminscroft) of John who m1. Jane Montgomery of Hazlehead (mother of John) m2. Janet Stewart of Minto (mother of David of Ladieton & Thomas) with John (m. Janet Cunninghame of Caprington but dsp) and David continuing the line. However, on p463, Anderson changes that to show the next Sir John father (by Janet Stewart) of John + William (tutor of Cambushketh, father by Agnes Stewart of Malcom, William & John) + David with John being father (by Janet Montgomery) of Arthur (dvp young) + William + Elizabeth with William father (by Christian Farquhar of Gilminscroft) of John who m. Janet Cunninghame of Caprington (sp). 'HJHeraldry' supports Anderson's revision. 'Principal families of Ayrshire' shows the next John as father (by Margaret Cunninghame of Legland) of John father (by Catherine Farquhar of Gilminscroft) of John & William (see 2nd son below) with John (m1. Jane Montgomery of Hazlehead, m2. Janet Stewart of Minto) succeeded by John (m1. Janet Cunninghamne of Caprington mother of John (dsp), m2. Janet Stewart of Minto mother of David (who continued the line). 'HamiltonHistory' shows as follows.
  a. Sir John Hamilton of Cambuskeith (d 28.03.1543/4)
  m1. Katherine Douglas (?)
(1) John Hamilton of Cambuskeith (d Pinkie 10.09.1547)
  m. Janet Montgomery (dau of Hugh Montgomery of Hessilheid, m2. William Sempill of Cathcart)
  (A) John Hamilton of Cambuskeith (d 09.11.1571) who "probably married" ...
  m. Janet Cunninghame (dau of William Cunninghame of Caprington)
  (i) John Hamilton of Cambuskeith (a 1603, dsp)
  (ii) Mary Hamilton
  m. (mcrt 16.02.1591/2) Gavin Hamilton, Provost of Hamilton
  (iii) Elizabethh Hamilton
(B) Elizabeth Hamilton
  m2. Janet Stewart (dau of Sir Matthew Stewart of Minto)
  (2) David Hamilton of Ladieton & Grange (d before 10.09.1590) - continued below
  m. Marion or Maria Campbell (dau of George Campbell of Ducathall)
  (3) Thomas Hamilton of Monktonhill (d(sp?) by 02.1619)
  (4) Margaret Hamilton
  m. John Wallace (brother of William of Ellerslie)
Not known which wife was mother of ...
  (5) Katherine Hamilton
  m. (by 26.10.1575) John Stirling of Glorat
  b. William Hamilton (d before 08.01.1568/9, tutor of Cambuskeith)
  This William is identified in various sources ** as the Sir William of Sanquhar who was, inter alia, a Senator of the College of Justice. However, 'HamiltonHistory' shows that Sir William Hamilton differently although it does (p213) report that the William shown here "is stated to have been a cousin of Sir William Hamilton of Sorn and Sanquhar, but evidence of the actual connection between the two families has not been discovered."
** Sources to identify this William as Senator Sir William of Sanquhar include 'Anderson' (p254 & 382) who shows tutor William a generation later, though that is corrected on p463, 'HJHeraldry' (p122), and 'An Historical Account of the Senators of The College of Justice' (Brunton & Haig, 1836, 'Sir William Hamilton of Sanquhar', p83). 'Principal families of Ayrshire' shows Sir William of Sorn a generation later, as 2nd son of John by Catherine Farquhar (## see here ##) & brother of the John who was (wrongly?) shown as m1. Janet Montgomery m2. Janet Stewart.
  m. Agnes Stewart (a 1581, dau of John Stewart, son of Allan of Cardonald)
  (1) Margaret Hamilton (d before 1606)
  m. William Forrester of Kidsdale
  (2)+ other issue - William of Portmanno (dsp 31.03.1580), John of Grange (d before 1619), Elizabeth (d unm 06.1611)
  c.+ other issue - Robert d before 1565, vicar of Kilmarnock), Alexander (a 1505)



David Hamilton of Ladieton & Grange (d before 10.09.1590) - continued above
m. Marion or Maria Campbell (dau of George Campbell of Ducathall by Jean Hamilton)
1. Alexander Hamilton of Ladieton & Grange (a 1662)
  m1. (before 04.06.1598) Agnes (probably not Elizabeth) Crawfurd (d before 23.02.1663, dau of William Crawfurd in Benescroft, niece of the Laird of Lochnorris)
  A. John Hamilton of Grange (dvp 02.1662?)
  'Principal families of Ayrshire' shows this generation as John (d young) with his brother Robert as married to Margaret, dau of John Hamilton of Neilsland. Anderson, supported by 'HamiltonHistory', shows that it was John who married ...
m. Margaret Hamilton (dau of John Hamilton of Sandieholms)
  i. John Hamilton of Grange (d 04.1675)
  m. Elizabeth Crawford (dau of John Crawford of Crawfordland by Janet Cunninghame of Craigends)
  a. John Hamilton of Grange (d 03.1695)
  m. (31.01.1678) Rebecca (or Robina) Cunninghame (dau of Alexander Cunninghame of Craigends by Janet Cunningham of Ashinyards)
  (1) Alexander Hamilton of Grange (d 04.1732)
m. (c1720?) Elizabeth Pollock (dau of Sir Robert Pollock of that ilk by Annabella Stewart of Pardovan)
  (A) John Hamilton of Grange (d unm 10.1771)
  (B) Robert Hamilton of Grange (d unm 1774)
  (C) Alexander Hamilton 'of Grange' (d before 1774)
  m. Rachel Cunninghame (dau of James Cunninghame of Collelan)
  (i) Alexander Hamilton of Grange (a 1777, Lt. Colonel)
  (ii) Elizabeth Hamilton
  m. Robert Cunninghame of Auchinharvie (Auchenbarvie)
  (iii) Margaret Hamilton
  m. Thomas Pollock (minister of Kilwinning)
  (iv) Johanna Hamilton (d 1820) named Frances by Anderson
  m. (1786) Edward McCormick (sheriff-depute of Ayrshire)
  (v) Jane Hamilton (d unm)
  (D) James Hamilton (d 1799, in the West Indies)
  The following is supported by 'HamiltonHistory' ('New York', p1069+).
  m. Faucette ("a Frenchwoman", m1. (div) "a Dane named Lavine")
  (i) Alexander Hamilton (b 11.01.1757, d 11.07.1804, General in the USA, Secretary to the Treasury, "took a leading part in the Convention to draw up the Constitution of the United States in 1787")
  m. (14.12.1780) Elizabeth Schuyler (b 1757, d 1854, dau of General Philip Schuyler)
  (a)+ issue - Philip (b 1782, d 1875), Alexander (b 1786, d 1875), James Alexander (b 1778), John Church in Philadelphia (b 1792, d 1882, had issue), William Steven (b 1797, d 1850)P, hilip (b 1802?, d 1884, had issue)
  (E) William Hamilton (7th son) had issue
  m. Jean Donald (dau of Robert Donald)
(F) Elizabeth Hamilton
  m. Alexander Blair (son of William of Blair)
  (G)+ other issue - Walter (d unm), George (d unm), Joseph, William (d young), daughter (d infant)
  (2) Anna Hamilton (b 1678)
  (3) Elizabeth Hamilton (a 1681) probably the Elizabeth who married ...
  m. Alexander Scott, later Blair
  (4) Janet Hamilton
m. (c1710) William Warner of Ardeer
  b. ?? Hamilton (son) possibly Alexander, father of ...
  (1) Anna Hamilton
  m. (1713) John Kilpatrick in Elsineur
  c. Margaret Hamilton
  m. (mcrt 29.07.1675) Robert Hunter of Kirkland
  d.+ 5 other daughters
  ii. Alexander Hamilton
  iii. daughter (probably not Anne)
  m. John Crawford
  iv.+ other issue - Alexander, Anne
  B. Margaret Hamilton
  m1. Sir Alexander Kirkpatrick of Kirkmichael (d before 10.1617)
  m2. (before 11.12.1618) John Hart of Little Preston
  C. Elizabeth Hamilton (d before 28.05.1659)
  m. Sir William Stewart (Captain of Dumbarton Castle)
  D. Janet Hamilton (a 1641)
  m. (mcrt 12.12.1625) Robert Montgomery, younger of Auchinhind (d 1641, minister of St. Quivox)
  E. Jean Hamilton
  m. James Nisbet
  F.+ other issue - Hugh, William (a 1625), Alexander, Thomas
  m2. Margaret Herries
  J. Robert Hamilton of Monktonhill (d 11.1669)
  partner(s) unknown
  K. John Hamilton
  L. Janet Hamilton "may have been a natural daughter"
  m. John Cruikes in Mauchline (weaver)

Main source(s) (see here): 'HamiltonHistory' ('Cambuskeith, p212+), 'AndersonMemoirs' ('Cambuskeith', p254+), 'HJHeraldry' (Hamilton, 'Cambuskeith', p120+) with some support from 'Principal families of Ayrshire' (1823, 'Hamilton of Grange', p356+) with further input/support as reported above
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