'Cann1'Index links to: Lead / Letter
Families covered: Cann of Brislington, Cann of Bristol, Cann of Compton Green (Greenfield), Cann of Stoke Bishop

William Cann, Mayor of Bristol (d by 07.1662)
m. Margaret Yeamans (sister of Robert Yeamans, Sheriff of Bristol)
1. Sir Robert Cann, Sheriff of Gloucestershire, Mayor of Bristol, 1st Bart (b c1630, d 11.1685)
  m1. Cecily Hooke (dau of Humphry Hooke, alderman of Bristol)
  A. Sir William Cann of Compton Green or Greenfield and Brislington, 2nd Bart (d 16.07.1697)
  m. Elizabeth Langton (dau of Sir Thomas Langton of Bristol)
  i. Sir William Cann of Compton Green and Brislington, 3rd Bart (b 1694-5, d 27.04.1726)
  m. Elizabeth Chester (b 1693-4, d 06.01.1724, sister of Thomas Chester of Knole Park)
  a. Elizabeth Chester Cann (bur 01.01.1782)
  m. (26.12.1742) Thomas Master (dvp bur 01.06.1749)
  B. Anne Cann
  m1. Sir Robert Gunning of Cold Ashton (dsp 1682)
  m2. Sir Dudley North (d 31.12.1591)
  m2. Anne Popley (d 01.1688/9, dau of W. Popley)
  C. Sir Thomas Cann of Westbury and Stoke Bishop, Sheriff of Gloucestershire (dvp)
  m. _ Earle (dau of Sir Thomas Earle)
  i. Sir Robert Cann, Sheriff of Gloucestershire, 4th Bart of Compton Greenfield (b c1683, d unm 01.1748)
  ii. Sir William Cann 'of Stoke Bishop', 5th Bart of Compton Greenfield (b c1689)
m1. ??
  a. Sir Robert Cann, 6th Bart (b before 1741, dsp 20.07.1765)
  m. Anne Churchman (dau of Henry Churchman of Aust)
b. Catherine Cann presumed of this marriage
  m. Charles Jeffries of Bristol
  (1) Elizabeth Jeffries
  m. (1774) Sir Henry Lippincott of Sydbury, 1st Bart of Stoke Bishop (d 1780-1)
  m2. Frances Jefferies (d 03.11.1767, dau of Richard Jefferies)
  D. daughter
  m. Joseph Earle (Colonel, MP for Bristol)
2. Richard Cann 'of Compton' (3rd son)
  m. Eleanor Grove (dau of Hugh Grove of Chiselhurg, Wiltshire)
  A. Anne Cann
  m. Thomas Wilkins of Llanblithian (b1677)
3. Margaret Cann
  m. Richard Stremert (alderman of Bristol)
4. Martha Cann
  m. John Lane of Bristol
5. Hester Cann
  m. Sir Thomas Langton of Bristol (b c1632, a 1672)
6.+ other issue - John, William, Matthew

Main source(s): BEB1841 (Cann of Compton Green), TCB (vol iii, 'Cann or Can of Compton Greenfield', p260+)
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