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Families covered: Barne (Barnes) of London, Barne of Sotterley, Barne (Barnes) of Woolwich

George Barne of London
1. Sir George Barne or Barnes, Lord Mayor of London (d 19.02.1557/8)
  m. Alice Brooke of Salop (bur 02.06.1559)
  A. Sir George Barne or Barnes, Lord Mayor of London (b c1532, d 02.01.1592/3)
  m. Anne Garrard (bur 02.06.1559, dau of William Garrard, Lord Mayor of London (by Isabel Nethermill), m1. Richard Relfe of London
  i. Sir William Barne of Woolwich (b c1569, d 07.05.1619)
m. Anne Sandys (b 21.06.1570, d before 10.02.1629/30, dau of Edwin Sandys, Archbishop of York (by Cecily Wilford), m2. Edward Pulter of Bradfield)
  a. Sir William Barne (Barnes) of Woolwich (b c1592, a 1632)
  m. (c10.1618) Dorothy Manwood (dau of Sir Peter Manwood of Canterbury by Frances Harte)
  (1) George Barne (a 1659, 2nd son)
  m. Dorothy (a 1659)
  (2)+ other issue - William (dsp), Sidney (bpt 26.07.1624), Thomas of Erith (d c12.1659)
  b. Robert Barne of Great Grimsby, Lincolnshire (a 1632)
  m. Elizabeth Twisden (bur 207.07.1637, dau of Thomas Twisden of Wye (Kent) by Anne, dau of Thomas Pigott)
  (1) Carola Barne (b c1623, bur 17.05.1676)
  m. Sir Roger Harsnet (bur 27.10.1692, Serjeant-at-Arms to House of Lords)
  (A) Carola Harsnett (b c1652, d 10.10.1674) probably of this generation
  m. (26.10.1670) Sir Samuel Morland (alias Morley) of Sulhamstead, 1st Bart (b 1625, d 1695)
  (B) Elizabeth Harsnett (d 1680) possibly fits here
  m. William Lowndes (b 1652, d 1723, Secretary of the Treasury)
  (2)+ other issue (dsp) - Robert (b c1626, a 1634), William (bpt 22.069.1633, bur 24.09.1633), Frances (b c1624, a 1634), Mary (b c1629, a 1634), Anne (b c1631, a 1634), Elizabeth (bpt 28.10.1632, bur 17.11.1632), Elizabeth (bpt 14.09.1634)
c. Miles Barne (b c1600, d 01.11.1670, rector of Bishopsbourne, 4th son)
  m. (c05.1632) Jane Travers or Trevis of Oxford (b c1605/ c1608, bur 26.05.1689)
  (1) John Barne of London (b c1640, d 25.03.1692, scrivener, 2nd son)
  m. (c01.1669/70) Alice Billers (b c1648, a 1718, dau of Edward Billers of Leicester)
  (A) John Barne of London (b c1672?, d 07.03.1731/2, 2nd son)
  m. Sarah Duke (dau of Benjamin Duke of Kensingto by Elizabeth)
  (i) George Barne of Theobalds (b c1710/1713?, dsp 14.03.1780, youngest son)
  m. Anne (a 1780, m1. ??)
  (ii) Elizabeth Barne (bur 19.11.1761)
  m. (1717) Henry Trollope of London (b 1693, d 07.12.1763, son of Sir Thomas of Gaswewick, Bart, by Susannah Clobery)
  (iii) Sarah Barne (bpt 11.01.1702/3, d 05.05.1758) 
  m. (1733) George Thornhill of Diddington (bpt 29.08.1681, d 30.12.1754)
(iv)+ other issue (dsp) - John (b c1699, d before 15.04.1765), Benjamin (b c1701, d 1722), Miles (bpt 26.04.1704, d 1765)
  (B) Miles Barne of London (d before 22.03.1742/3, Director of the HEIC, 4th son) @@@@@p127@@@@@@@@
  m. (c07.1709) Elizabeth Snowdon (d 1731? a 1757?, dau of Solomon Snowdon of York)
  (i) Miles Barne of Sotterley, Suffolk (b 10.1718, d 20.12.1780, MP)
  The follwing is supported by BLG1862 ('Barne of Sotterley and Dunwich').
  m1. (05.1745) Elizabeth Elwick (b 1723-4, d 20.09.1747, dau/heir of Nathaniel Elwick of May Place, Governor of Madras)
  (a) Miles Barne of Sotterley & May Place in Crayford, Sherif of Suffolk (b 26.05.1746, dsp 08.09.1825, MP)
  (b) Elizabeth Elwick Barne (d 24.06.1759)
  m2. (23.09.1752) Mary Thornhill (b 11.02.17338/4, d 28.07.1802, dau of George Thornhill of Diddington by Sarah, dau of John Barne)
  (c) Michael Barne of Sotterley & Dunwich (b 1759, d 19.06.1837, Lt. Colonel, MP, younger son)
  The following is supported by Visitation (Howard & Crisp, England & Wales, vol 7 (1899), 'Barne of Sotterley and Dunwich, co. Suffolk', p158+).
m. (02.10.1798) Mary Boucherett (bpt 16.12.1764, d 11.12.1858, dau of Ayscoghe Boucherett of Willingham & Stalingborough (Sheriff of Lincolnshire))
  ((1)) Frederick Barne of Sotterley & Dunwich (b 08.11.1805, d 09.03.1886, MP) had issue
  m. (04.02.1834) Mary Anne Elizabeth Honywood (dau of Sir John Courtenay Honywood, Bart, by Mary Anne Cooper)
  ((2)) Emilia Mary Barne (b 1800, d 25.03.1892)
  m. (22.05.1839) Sir Edward Bowater (b 13.07.1787, d 14.12.1861, Major General, son of Edward of BHampton Court by Louisa, dau of Thomas Lane of Tennenhall & relict of George Edward Hawkins)
  (d) Thomas Barne (b 16.07.1766, d 26.07.1834, rector of Sotterley, youngest son)
  m1. (31.08.1790) Elizabeth Wyatt (b c1766, d 30.09.1812, dau of Richard Wyatt of Milton Place)
m2. (14.03.1815) Sarah St. John (b c1770, d 29.01.1847, dau of Andrew St. John, Dean of Worcester)
  (e) Mary Barne (b 16.07.1753)
  m. (21.11.1777) William Sawbridge of East Haddon, Sheriff of Northamptonshire (d 11.10.1836)
  (f) Sarah Barne (b 14.01.1756, d 07.01.1818)
  m. (24.05.1788) John Harding of Clyadernon
  (g) Anne Barne (b 19.12.1761, d 10.01.1827)
  m. ( Charles Drake Garrard of Lamer
(h)+ other issue (dsp) - Barne (b 25.08.1754, d unm 19.06.1828, MP), Snowdon (b 26.12.1756, d unm 03.07.1825, MP, Lord of the Treasury), George (b 11.02.1758, d 24.02.1758), son (b/d 15.05.1763), Elizabeth (b 23.09.1760, d 06.1834), Caesia (b 21.03.1769, d 1781)
  (ii) Elizabeth Barne (d 29.04.1769)
  m. (27.01.1731-2) Sir Stephen Anderson of Eyworth, Bart
  (iii) Anne Barne (dsp before 26.05.1741 or 1724)
  (C) Henry Barne of London (d before 05.10.1726)
  m. Anne Dowdeswell (d before 19.08.1730, dau of Rev. William Dowdeswell of Kingham by Elizabeth, dau of Bernard Bibbard by Anne Bane)
  (i)+ issue - Henry of Islington (b c1714, dsp 01.04.1757), William (b c1714, dsp bur 07.12.1730), Robert (a 1730), Charles (a 1730), Anne (a 1757), Elizabeth (a 1757)
  (D) Alice Barne (b c1669?)
  m. (after 01.02.1730/1) William Selwyn of London
  (E)+ other issue (dsp) - George (b c1670, bur 18.01.1695/6), William (d 1710-1), Anne (b c1675, d 1683)
  (2) Henry Barne of London (d 1689, 4th son)
  m. Elizabeth Mainwaring (dau of J. Mainwaring of London)
  (A) Elizabeth Barne (b c1670?, a 1721)
  m. Joseph Saxton of London (a 1721)
  (B Frances Barne (a 1691)
  m. Henry Simonds of London (a 1731)
  C) Jane Barne (a 1721)
  m. (c03.1708/9) John Andrews (d 1710, Rector of Knnowltoin & St. Mildred's in Canterbury)
  (3) Robert Barne of London (d before 29.04.1689)
  m. Mary Wyvil (dau of Thomas Wyvil)
  (A) Francis Barne (b c1672, a 1691)
(B) Jane Barne (a 1706)
  m. Henry Rosse (a 1717, Rector of Swanscombe)
  (4) Anthony Barne (b c1650, d 1714)
  m. (c09.1673) Rebecca Smith
  (5) Anne Barne (d 17.05.1709)
  m. Bernard Gibbard of London
  (A) Elizabeth Gibbard (b 1662-3, d 10.05.1734) apparently of this marriage
  m. (c04.1682) William Dowdeswell (Rector of Kingham)
(6) Hester Barne (d 1716)
  m. John Singleton of Westminster
  (7)+ other issue - Miles (dsp bur 09.10.1708, rector/vicar, chaplain to Charles II), William of Beakesbourne (b c1642, dsp 16.01.1706/7, m. ??), 2 others
  d. John Barne (d before 202.02.1630/1)
  m. Mildred?
  e. Anne Barne(s)
  m1. Sir William Lovelace of Woolwich (bpt 12.02.1683/4, d before 23.07.1628)
  m2. Jonathan Browne (d 12.1643, Dean of Hereford, Canon of Westminster)
  f.+ other issue (dsp) - Thomas of Woolwich (d unm before 24.03.1629/30), George (a 163210
  ii. Mark Barne (a 1620, younger son)
  a. George Barne of Woolwich (d before 24.06.1648)
  m. Anne Caryll (dau of Symon Caryll by Elizabeth Aungier)
  (1) George Barne of Stoke-by-Guildford (d before 16.01.1683/4)
  m. Johanna (a 01.1683/4)
  (2) Anne Barne (a 1683)
m. (before 16.10.1650) John Elliott of Godalming (d before 07.09.1683)
  (3) Elizabeth Barne (d before 07.09.1683)
  b. Richard Barne of London (d before 23.05.1629)
  c. Mary Barne 
  m. (before 23.05.1629) David Popwell of London
  iii. Richard Barne of Tangley (b 1572-3, d 06.10.1620, youngest son?)
  m. Elizabeth Aungier (bur 25.10.1650, dau of Sir Francis Augier, Lord Aungier, Master of the Rolls, (by Douglas, dau of Edward Fitzgerald), m1. Symon Caryll of Tangley, m3. Joan Machell
  iv. Anne Barne 
  m1. (c07.1584) Walter Marler
  m2. Francis Aungier, 1st Lord of Longford (bpt 14.05.1558, d 08.10.1632, m1. Douglas Fitzgerald)
  v.+ other issue - George of London & Woolwich (d before 12.10.1594), Francis of Woolwich (d before 29.05.1634), Thomas, John, Peter
B. John Barne of Willesden, Middlesex (d 04.09.1615)
  BHO identifies John's wife as Jane, dau of Richard Langton of London, but Berry's Essex Pedigrees (1878, Altham) & Crisp, which name their daughters, identify her as ...
  m. Jane Langton (d 1609, dau of Thomas Langton of Yorkshire by Mary Mathew of Colchester (who m2/1. James Altham of Mark Hall who d 1583))
  i. Mary Barne (d 23.02.1623/4)
  m. (20.11.1575) Francis Roberts of Wilsden (Willesden) (b 08.02.1550/1, d 07.09.1631)
  ii. Elizabeth Barne (d 07.01.1621)
  m. Edward Altham of Mark Hall (d 1605)
  C/D. Anne Barne (d before 22.11.1564)
  Although BHO shows Ann's 1st husband as Alexander Caryll, various web sites identify him as the following Alexander with children as shown.
  m1. Alexander Carleill (Carlyell) of London (d 10.1561)
  i. Christopher Carleill of London, Governor of Ulster (b c1551, d 11.11.1593, Captain)
  m. Mary Walsingham (dau of Sir Francis Walsingham by Ursula St. Barbe)
  ii. Alice Carleill
  m. Sir Christopher Hoddesdon (d 1610)
  m2. (01.1562) Sir Francis Walsingham (d 06.04.1590, Secretary of State to Queen Elizabeth)
  D/C. Elizabeth Barne (a 1584)
  m. Sir John Rivers, Lord Mayor of London (d 27.02.1583/4)

Main source(s): BHO ('The History and Antiquities of the County of Suffolk', vol 1, 'Sotterley', with thanks to a contributor (DCS, 12.12.13) for drawing that to our attention), Visitation (Frederick Arthur Crisp, England & Wales, Notes, vol 7 (1907), 'Pedigree of Barne', p121+)
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